CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.26 - Released 16 November 2022
Product Team
started a topic
about 2 years ago
1 New Features
Reporting - New Account Coverage Widget
This new widget allows you to track the total coverage of your accounts or revenue.
Ideal for Customers who do not have their entire Customer base in CG but would like to track their Total Coverage for Accounts and Revenue.
This widget comes with the standard date and survey filters with IS and IS NOT operators and also the global data access restriction setting. For more information, visit the support page.
9 Feature Improvements
Imports - Multi-Object Upload
Several improvements were done to the Multi-object Upload
The Multi-Object Import Data type will no longer auto-populate (Copy) Account and Contact Data that already existed in the CustomerGauge Database into corresponding fields that were not provided in your upload file for the survey record. Click here for the full information on the changes.
Custom fields are now supported on the Multi-Object Upload.
Imports now rejects records that had previously unsubscribed. Custom properties will be deprecated. There is no impact to customers by this.
Survey Record Page
On the Survey Record Page, it will now only show the custom fields that have data in it.
The tabs in the Report Designer are now in line with the Survey Record Page, following a single design.
We have improved the buttons across the CG platform to have the same look, feel and to carry a consistent naming.
Pop-up Surveys
Several improvements were done to the Pop-up Surveys.
Direct Replies Widget
The Direct Replies is moving to Report Hub. It can be added to any report by clicking on + Add Widget → Miscellaneous → Direct Replies. For more information, visit the support page.
Unsubscribes and Bounces
An improvement was made to the Unsubscribe and Bounce email address to remove spaces before and after the email address.
2 Feature Fixes
Solved an issue where the sms telephone was not being stored if the customer did not send SMS surveys.
Solved an issue where the search sometimes was returning an error.
Product Team
1 New Features
Reporting - New Account Coverage Widget
This new widget allows you to track the total coverage of your accounts or revenue.
Ideal for Customers who do not have their entire Customer base in CG but would like to track their Total Coverage for Accounts and Revenue.
This widget comes with the standard date and survey filters with IS and IS NOT operators and also the global data access restriction setting. For more information, visit the support page.

9 Feature Improvements
Imports - Multi-Object Upload
Several improvements were done to the Multi-object Upload
The Multi-Object Import Data type will no longer auto-populate (Copy) Account and Contact Data that already existed in the CustomerGauge Database into corresponding fields that were not provided in your upload file for the survey record. Click here for the full information on the changes.
Custom fields are now supported on the Multi-Object Upload.
Imports now rejects records that had previously unsubscribed.

Custom properties will be deprecated. There is no impact to customers by this.
Survey Record Page
On the Survey Record Page, it will now only show the custom fields that have data in it.

The tabs in the Report Designer are now in line with the Survey Record Page, following a single design.
We have improved the buttons across the CG platform to have the same look, feel and to carry a consistent naming.
Pop-up Surveys
Several improvements were done to the Pop-up Surveys.
Direct Replies Widget
The Direct Replies is moving to Report Hub. It can be added to any report by clicking on + Add Widget → Miscellaneous → Direct Replies. For more information, visit the support page.
Unsubscribes and Bounces
An improvement was made to the Unsubscribe and Bounce email address to remove spaces before and after the email address.
2 Feature Fixes
Solved an issue where the sms telephone was not being stored if the customer did not send SMS surveys.
Solved an issue where the search sometimes was returning an error.