CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.37 - Released 24 May 2023
Pedro Henrique
started a topic
almost 2 years ago
17 Feature Improvements
The Phone field is now restricted to the following characters when importing: numbers, space, parenthesis, dash and plus. Example: +55 (62) 01234-56789
Inbound Mapping: improved the flow when generating webhooks from an existing inbound mapping.
Inbound Mapping: updated labels when creating or editing a mapping to be consistent with the API features.
Delivery Summary widget: an extra decimal number is now shown for the percentage values.
Survey Timeline: fixed a typo in Survey Partially Completed.
Campaign Details: updated the Delivery Method value for WhatsApp to be consistent with the other values.
System Admin - Survey Questions: updated the message when there’s no data to be consistent with other features.
Connected Apps: removed the ability to edit an existing setup. You may still delete and add new setups.
Campaign Suite: updated button texts to better reflect their behavior.
Added support for 9 additional locales.
Survey Suite
Introduced the ability to apply NPS Loyalty Display Conditions for the Follow-up Question, Custom Text, and Additional Comment widgets.
The Unsubscribe link is no longer being displayed on the Thank You Page of Surveys.
Made several improvements to Question Translations and re-using questions across multiple surveys and languages.
Added Javascript Events for Survey Initialization and Completion, providing added flexibility to implement Pop-up Surveys in your web app or website.
Added support for the company_number field in Pop-up Survey parameters.
Campaign Suite
You are now able to clone SMS campaigns in the Campaign Suite.
Unsubscribes & Bounces
The ability to add a contact to Unsubscribes has been restored.
2 Feature Fixes
Survey Suite
Surveys and Brandings now have the appropriate Actions disabled, based on the user’s permissions (this was already in place, but not visually clear).
Solved an issue where the Delivery Vector filter was not loading the list of available delivery vectors in the search feature.
Pedro Henrique
17 Feature Improvements
The Phone field is now restricted to the following characters when importing: numbers, space, parenthesis, dash and plus. Example: +55 (62) 01234-56789
Inbound Mapping: improved the flow when generating webhooks from an existing inbound mapping.
Inbound Mapping: updated labels when creating or editing a mapping to be consistent with the API features.
Delivery Summary widget: an extra decimal number is now shown for the percentage values.
Survey Timeline: fixed a typo in Survey Partially Completed.
Campaign Details: updated the Delivery Method value for WhatsApp to be consistent with the other values.
System Admin - Survey Questions: updated the message when there’s no data to be consistent with other features.
Connected Apps: removed the ability to edit an existing setup. You may still delete and add new setups.
Campaign Suite: updated button texts to better reflect their behavior.
Added support for 9 additional locales.
Survey Suite
Introduced the ability to apply NPS Loyalty Display Conditions for the Follow-up Question, Custom Text, and Additional Comment widgets.
The Unsubscribe link is no longer being displayed on the Thank You Page of Surveys.
Made several improvements to Question Translations and re-using questions across multiple surveys and languages.
Added Javascript Events for Survey Initialization and Completion, providing added flexibility to implement Pop-up Surveys in your web app or website.
Added support for the company_number field in Pop-up Survey parameters.
Campaign Suite
You are now able to clone SMS campaigns in the Campaign Suite.
Unsubscribes & Bounces
The ability to add a contact to Unsubscribes has been restored.
2 Feature Fixes
Survey Suite
Surveys and Brandings now have the appropriate Actions disabled, based on the user’s permissions (this was already in place, but not visually clear).
Solved an issue where the Delivery Vector filter was not loading the list of available delivery vectors in the search feature.