CustomerGauge Release Notes v5.76 - Released 26 November 2024

1 New Feature

  • System Admin: GaugieAI Privacy Settings

    • You are now able to control whether identifiable information is redacted before being sent to OpenAI with the new Privacy Settings feature in System Admin.

      • Since the introduction of all AI features, business identifiable information (BII) and personal identifiable information (PII) have by default always been redacted before they were sent to OpenAI. 

      • This feature allows you to control if you want to redact only BII, only PII or both, for Feedback AI Assistant or Close the Loop Assistant.

3 Feature Improvements

  • Imports

    • The Revenue 4.0 upload option has been removed from the imports page. Any Revenue uploads should be done through the Revenue 5.0 import.

  • Reporting

    • The Monetized NPS category has been removed, being replaced by the Monetize 5.0 reporting widgets.

  • System Admin

    • The ability to enable and disable the visualization of Monetized NPS widgets has been removed, making way for their 5.0 counterparts.

2 Feature Fixes

  • Survey Suite

    • Solved an issue where the score clicked in the email received was not being selected automatically in the survey for CSAT, CES and Rating questions.

  • Reporting Widgets

    • Account Health: solved an issue where the widget would not work in case there was an unexpected high amount of accounts to be loaded.