Sometimes you would like to personalise the invite not just for the person's name but also by some segment value.

For example: "Thanks for visiting our down-town store." versus "Thanks for visiting our up-town store".

Personalising the invite (and survey) can be a good approach to lift response rates, tie the response more closely to the event and gather specific information about the segment, e.g. touch-point. 

However, this is a balancing act between too specific and too general in gathering feedback.

You do have a few options to personalise the approach:

1. Add completely new invite/survey pairs for different segment value .

This allows you to change everything about the survey including the questions and Self-Select values. This consists of creating a survey/invite pair for each relevant segment then driving them based on the segment value.

If store = up-town send "uptown" survey, else send "downtown" survey.

You need to be careful doing this as you can get a large number of Self-Select values with small response volumes. This does not necessarily increase your ability to action the data. 

2. Select different content for different segment values

Sometimes you might want to change the text in the invite based on data in the invite record to make it more relevant to the respondent.

For instance you might do this:

If touchpoint = "telephone" then use "Thanks for your recent call."

If touchpoint = "in-store" then use "It was great to see you in our store."

This is relatively straight forward and uses the following syntax: 

{ % if [condition1] % } text1  

{% elif [condition2] % } text2  <Optional block>

{ % else % } text3 

{ % endif % }

Where [condition] is a true/false condition.

Here is a simple example:

{% if == "Store1" %} John Smiith

{% elif == "Store2" %} Mary Jane

{% elif == "Store3" %} Howard Johnson 

{% else %} Robert James

{% endif %}

Conditions can be of the following types: == "Store1" - tests that that two values are identical != "Store1" - tests that that two values are different

When writing these conditions be careful to include all of the syntax elements or it will not work.

Also check the Source view of the email to ensure that there are no HTML characters that are invisible in the normal view but break the syntax. For example &nbsp;

3. Drop in segment data directly.

For example you can also simply put this into the invite: "During your recent [[touchpoint]] "

This puts exactly what is in the [[touchpoint]] segment into the invite.

This is also quite effective but you need to make sure that the text in [[touchpoint]] is presented correctly (capitalised, make sense to the customer) for this to work.