
This API will update a hierarchy level (also known as "division") in your existing Hierarchy.

Feature notes:

  • The request should only contain 1 extra parameter. Ex: division + parent OR division + division_to_update.
  • When changing the division's parent, all of its child divisions will accompany it.

Good to know

API response format:

Our APIs return data in either JSON or XML format (depending on request by .json or .xml).

About this API

Resource Information

Response formatsJSON (default), XML
Response familyHierarchy
HeaderAuthorization: Bearer XXXXX

Resource URL

Europe Production Server:

US Production Server:

Australia Production Server:


OAuth2 Authentication is used to connect to this API. In order to create the Connected App, which is needed to generate the Access Token, Administrator access to CustomerGauge is needed. Once you've created your Connected App, you can acquire a Bearer Access Token by calling our OAuth2/Token API:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={{ Client ID }}&client_secret={{ Client Secret }}"
https://auth.{{ apiRegion }}

The acquired Bearer Access Token is used in the Authorization header in your API request.

How to call

PUT Data

Update data as key value.


KeyDescriptionExample value
divisionThis is a required field.
The division you want to make changes to.
division_to_updateThe new name for the divisionNorth Holland
parentThe new parent for the divisionNetherlands

Example Request

To call this API through cURL:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXXX" -X PUT -d division=Amsterdam -d division_to_update="North Holland"

Example Result

Message reported on successful operation:

  "Data": {
    "message": "Division has been updated successfully"

Message reported on failed operation:

  "Error": {
    "Message": "Required field 'id' not supplied",
    "Code": 300004

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