The Combo chart visualization allows you to combine up to 6 absolute metrics and up to 6 percentage metrics.

These can then be displayed in columns or lines (respectively).

How to add the widget?

To add this widget to your Dashboard/Report go to Add Widget → NPS data source → NPS Combo

Widget Properties?

  • The widget loads by default with a 6 Width X 3 Height size. You can change it in the Widget properties of the Widget properties.  
  • You can also choose the update the name of the widget to add more details - For example NPS Table - USA Relationship Campaign

Date/Segment Filter Setting:

  • The widget comes with standard Date and Segment filter settings
  • The widget allows "IS NOT" criteria in Segment filtering

Widget Specific Settings:

Show Global data:

Available to Global Admins only, this switch allows them to add a Combo chart that displayed data without it being impacted by Data Access Restriction.

This is very useful if you want to share your system-wide statistics!

When this is switched on, you'll still be able to apply filters too, allowing you to display system-wide data for a single touchpoint, for example!


Group by:

Choose whether the X-axis should represent Date or a Segment field.

When choosing Date, you can also configure the Group dates by setting.

Choosing Segment allows you to configure the Group segments by, Order by, Order direction, and Limit settings.

Group dates by:

This setting allows you to choose which period type you group your data by.

Available choices are "Use general settings value", "Day", "Week", "Month", "Quarter", or "Year".

When choosing "Use general settings value", the period from the "Group dates by" setting in the report's Settings tab gets used.

Group segments by:

This setting allows you to choose which of your segment fields to use to group your data by.

When choosing "Use general settings value", the segment from the "Group dates by" setting in the report's Settings tab gets used.

Note that reports don't come with a "Group by Segment" value selected, so make sure to choose one if you wish to use this option!

Left Y-axis


On the left Y-axis, can choose up to 6 absolute number metrics.

Available choices are "Delivered", "Non Response", "Response", "Promoter", "Passive", "Detractor" and "Comment"

Right Y-axis


On the right Y-axis, can choose up to 6 percentage-based metrics.

Available choices are "NPS", "Non Response %", "Response %", "Promoter %", "Passive %", "Detractor %", "Comments %"

NPS Y-axis

Choosing only NPS on the right Y-Axis, allows you to configure the "Y-axis scale" setting.

With NPS, you have the choice between "-100 to 100 scale" or "Dynamic scale".

Choosing "Dynamic scale", the Y-axis gets automatically adapted to "0 to 100", "-100 to 0", or "-100 to 100"; whichever represents your data best.

If there are no negative values, "0 to 100" gets chosen, while if there are no positive values "-100 to 0" gets chosen.

Percentage Y-axis

Choosing only percentage-based on the right Y-Axis, allows you to configure the "Y-axis scale" setting.

With percentage metrics, you have the choice between "0 to 100 scale" or "Dynamic scale".

Choosing "Dynamic scale", the Y-axis gets automatically adapted based on the data to be displayed.

For example, if your highest value is "50%", the Y-axis would top off at 50.

Remaining settings

Order by:

Available only when the Group by setting is set to "Segment", this setting allows you to order the segment values.

You can order by Alphanumeric (the values of the Segment), or Metric (any of the displayed metrics).

Order direction:

Available only when the Group by setting is set to "Segment", this setting allows you to set the order direction of segment values.

This can be set to either Ascending or Descending.

Alphanumeric: Ascending means A to Z, whereas Descending means Z to A.

Metric: Ascending means Low to High, whereas Descending means High to Low.


Available only when the Group by setting is set to "Segment", this setting allows you to choose how many segment values get displayed on the X-axis.