This page allows you to do three things:
Delete individual survey records
Delete multiple survey records in bulk
Edit segment data of multiple survey records in bulk
- Deletion is only available to Admin users without Data Access Restriction
The How To Guide:
Verify if you have access to this feature. It is only available for GLOBAL ADMINS.
On the menu, go to Settings → System Admin → Data Administration → Survey Records and go to Manage Survey Records
Search Criteria
Use a combination of File Settings, Date Settings, and Filter Settings to find records to edit or delete.
- You can search by a combination of Settings: File, Date and Filter.
- Date Settings: The date range between which the survey records were created.
- File Settings: The file name of the survey record. Simply start typing in the search box (at least 3 characters are needed to start searching).
- Filter Settings: Apply a combination of fields and values, similar to how you're used to from Reporting.
- When applying a combination of Settings, records have to match ALL criteria. This allows you to find specific ones to delete or edit.
All the matching survey records can be found in a paginated table.
You can Edit All survey records that match the search criteria.
Editing multiple Survey Records at once is restricted to a maximum of 10,000 Survey Records. Refine your search if it returns more than 10,000 Survey Records.
You can edit one segment and to another already existing value at a time.
Changes will be reflected in the whole system and for all users.
Fields that can be edited:
- Segments A-Z
- Touchpoint
- Division
- Job Level
- Country
- State
- Area
- City
Be careful while using this functionality. It will PERMANENTLY delete the record from your database and it CANNOT be restored.
- You can either delete Survey Records one at a time by clicking the Delete icon for that row, or Delete All Survey Records matching your search criteria.
- Deleting multiple Survey Records at once is restricted to a maximum of 10,000 Survey Records. Refine your search if it returns more than 10,000 Survey Records.
- Deleting Survey Records will not delete their related Contacts and Accounts. Their Survey Response, comment, selected and viewed drivers, close-the-loop actions, etc. will be deleted.