Custom HTML widget can be used to show your logo, add notes, links to external system or any text info you'd like to provide to your users.
Adding the Widget:
Add the widget to your report clicking on New Widget and navigating to Miscellaneous or searching for Custom HTML
Additional Settings:
Additional settings provide you with a wide range of HTML elements that allow you to freely customize the information in the way you want. It includes:
- Source code
- Fullscreen
- Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo
- Text Alignment: left, center, right, justify
- Indent: increase, decrease
- Link: insert/edit, unlink
- Anchor
- List: bullet, numbered
- Blockquote
- Insert/edit image
- Table
- Emoticons
- Special characters
- Page break
- Formatting: bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, clear formatting
- Formats: headings, inline, blocks, align
- Blocks
- Fonts
- Font sizes
- Text color (can be customised)
- Background color (can be customised).