WhatsApp Embedded Sign-up is a new method to set up WhatsApp Senders within CustomerGauge.
CustomerGauge, as a Tech Provider partner of Meta, has seamlessly integrated the sign-up process within CustomerGauge. A New WhatsApp Sender can be done within minutes.
- Facebook Administrator access to Meta’s WhatsApp Business Manager.
- System Administrator access to CustomerGauge.
- Do you want to use a sender number you already own, or have CustomerGauge acquire a number for you?
- CustomerGauge-bought number: Please provide a phone number that will be used to receive a verification code by phone call.
- CustomerGauge-bought number: Please provide a phone number that will be used to receive a verification code by phone call.
Prepare the details Meta will ask for:
Country that WhatsApp messages will be sent to
WhatsApp Business Account Name
WhatsApp Display Name
Category (your own business vertical)
IMPORTANT: Before attempting the setup, kindly reach out to your SAM so they can initiate the enablement of the WhatsApp feature for your system.
1) Adding and Configuring the WhatsApp Sender
These steps must all be completed by an Administrator who access to both the Customer's CustomerGauge and Facebook Business Manager Application.
- Login to CustomerGauge
- Go to System Admin → System Settings → Survey & Campaigns → Whatsapp senders
- Click the button “Add WhatsApp Sender” and Provide a name.
2) Authenticate Facebook
- Login to Facebook using the Admin account credentials for the Company’s Account.
- Continue through the login steps.
- Facebook will confirm you are using the correct “Profile”.
- If the profile is wrong (e.g. your personal Facebook account), log in to another account.
- If the profile is correct, proceed to the next step.
3) Grant Permissions
- Facebook explains the permissions you are granting to CustomerGauge. It is standard text from Facebook and is not configurable.
- Important billing disclaimer: There is a message in the permissions that makes a partially-untrue statement regarding how billing is handled
CustomerGauge handles all billing and passes to the customer accordingly
Customer will not receive any billing directly from Meta/Facebook or Vonage
- After agreeing to the disclaimer, click “Get Started”
4) Fill in Business Info and Business Portfolio
- Select the applicable Business Portfolio
- All other info should be auto-populated based on the selected Business Portfolio
- Read and consider the Insights Terms of Service disclaimer shown
This is not applicable to all countries.
- Click “Next”
5) Create or Select a WhatsApp Business Account and WhatsApp Business Profile
- In most cases, you will need to create, as these are specifically ones that have been set up via Vonage, which customers are unlikely to have done before.
- If you have started this process earlier, but abandoned the sign-up process midway, you may already have a WhatsApp Business account and/or profile.
6) Create WhatsApp Business Profile
- You’ll first be prompted to create the Business profile.
- WhatsApp business account name: This is the official name of your business. It is used in the backend of WhatsApp and typically reflects the legal or formal name of your business.
- WhatsApp business display name: This is the name that is visible to customers when they interact with your business via WhatsApp. It's a more friendly, accessible, and customer-facing name.
Ensure that your display name complies with Meta’s display name guidelines.
Getting the ‘verified business’ status (blue tick mark) can be done in the WhatsApp Business Manager, and happens on a number-by-number basis.
- Category: Select the most applicable industry/business vertical that describes your business.
7) Add Phone Number
- Add the phone number to use as the sender phone number.
If you use a CustomerGauge-acquired phone number, this number has been communicated to you.
- Select how you would like to do the OTP verification.
- If using a CustomerGauge-acquired phone number, select ‘Phone call’.
8) Fill in the OTP verification code.
- You will receive a phone call or text from Meta with the verification code
CustomerGauge can provide limited support in case you do not receive the OTP verification - this is fully in Meta’s control.
- Fill in the verification code and click ‘Next’.
9) Review Access Request
You will get a chance to review and confirm the sign-up request, before finishing the process.
10) Please Wait… And Done!
- After confirming, Meta will set up your WhatsApp account.
- If using a CustomerGauge-acquired phone number, please let us know you now finished the set up so we can remove the call forwarding that was set up for the OTP verification. This does not stop you from utilising the WhatsApp Delivery Vector.